
I'm under a lot of pressure

3 day didn't come here to write my mood.....
because there r many reports to do!!!==
Now,i feel very tired ~

2day,My brother is ill....
It make me feel more pressure!!!
my parents took teh responsibility to me~
but they go out with their fren....may be is go to bars~
they make me feel i m not their daughter...

don't talk about this topic...
the day after 2moro is my fren(pei zhi)'s birthday~
but because we didn't have time to go
so we r going to celebrate in 2moro!
only the program will make me happy...
so i m looking forward 2 2moro!!!^^

i will send her a pair of shoes~
we celebrate her birthday in pizza hut...
we plan to use the cake to trick her
in the photo is pei zhi...

2 条评论:

  1. hope ur bro will be fine....wakakaz
    Erm.....also take care urself larhh....!!haha
